Venue: Virtual
Contact: Lisa Young email:
Link: Click here to access live meeting
No. | Item | ||||
To receive apologies from Members for their inability to attend the Meeting Minutes: Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors Murphy and Farr. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Burgess declared that in relation to agenda item 11 he was the Hampshire County Council representative on PATROL. |
To confirm the Minutes of Meeting of the Council held on 29 July 2020 (copy herewith) PDF 92 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 July 2020 be signed as a true and correct record. |
To consider any Mayor's Communications Minutes: The Mayor advised that the Gosport Food Partnership had been established and had brought together several community groups.
The Mayor advised that she had supported local businesses, and supported charity events in the Borough.
The Council was advised that October was a mindful and activities would be undertaken highlighting outdoor activities and facilities. |
To receive Deputations in accordance with Standing Order No 3.4 and to answer Public Questions pursuant to Standing Order No 3.5, such questions to be answered orally during a time not exceeding 15 minutes. (NOTE: Standing Order No 3.4 requires that notice of a Deputation should be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY, 5 OCTOBER 2020 and likewise Standing Order No 3.6 requires that notice of a Public Question should be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY, 5 OCTOBER 2020).
Minutes: There were no deputations or public questions |
Questions (if any) pursuant to Standing Order No 3.3. (NOTE: Members are reminded that Standing Order No 3.3 requires that Notice of Question pursuant to that Standing Order must be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON TUESDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2020).
Minutes: There were no Members questions. |
Policy and Organisation Board 29 September 2020 (to follow) Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report of the Policy and Organisation Board at its meeting held on the 29th September 2020.
COUNCIL RESOLVED: The Fees and Charges referred to in the report and appendix for implementation from 1 January 2021 unless stated otherwise.
Electoral Review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England
Consideration was given to a report of the Policy and Organisation Board at its meeting held on the 29th September 2020.
a) Local Government Boundary Commission for England: Polling District Forecasting Tool for the Borough of Gosport – attached as Appendix 1; b) Council Size submission for the Borough of Gosport to the LGBCE – attached as Appendix 4;subject to an all party Task & Finish group consisting of the three group leaders or their deputies being set up to consider and agree the Council’s proposals prior to their submission to LGBCE c) Gosport remains with the current electoral cycle and elects by halves; d) Gosport remains with the current ‘alternative arrangements’; e) authority be delegated to the Electoral Registration Officer, in consultation with the group leaders, to make further editing changes, correction and updates to the Council Size document prior to submission to the LGBCE
Additional documents:
Minutes: COUNCIL RESOLVED: That the following Part II Minutes be received.
· Community Board: 9th September 2020 · Housing Board: 16th September 2020 · Climate Change Board: 17th September 2020 · Economic Development Board: 23rd September 2020 · Policy and Organisation Board: 29th September 2020 |
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officerseeking the approval of the Council to approve the varied Gosport and Town Centre PSPO to run for a further period of three years commencing 20 October 2020.
Council Resolved: The Gosport and Town Centre PSPO 2020 to control Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), Drinking and Begging in public places within the areas shown edged black in the accompanying plans as set out at Appendix 1 of the report.
This report sets out proposed amendments to the Council’s petition scheme.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer setting out proposed amendments to the Council’s petition scheme.
Council resolved: That the amendments to the Council’s petition scheme be approved.
Appointment to Patrol AND Fareham, Gosport and South East Hants Clinical Commissioning Group Engagement Committee Minutes: COUNCIL RESOLVED:
That Councillor Raffaelli be appointed as the Council’s representative on PATROL
That Councillor Furlong be appointed as the Council’s nominated deputy for PATROL.
The Councillor Mrs Hook be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Fareham, Gosport and South East Hampshire Commissioning Group Engagement Committee.