Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 31st March, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Gosport, PO12 1EB

Contact: Lisa Young  email:

Link: Click here to access live meeting

No. Item


To receive apologies from Members for their inability to attend the Meeting.


An apology for non attendance was receieved from Councillor Mrs Prickett


To confirm the Minutes of Meeting of the Council held on 3 February 2021 (copy herewith) pdf icon PDF 119 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2021 be signed as a true and correct record.


To consider any Mayor's Communications.


The Mayor thanked everyone for their participation over the previous year and recognised that it had been an honour to undertake the role in the challenging year and recognised the difficulty and sadness the year had brought.


They advised of their pride in the residents of the Borough and the good work they had undertaken in supporting those in need, uniting and the emergence of Community Spirit.


The Mayor reflected on the 80 engagements she had undertaken, from quizzes to support groups and taken part in recorded videos. In addition, the Armed Forces covenant had been signed and in addition thanked key workers.


The Mayor thanked the Big Noise Samba Band, the Gosporteers and the Gosport Rotary Club and advised she had raised just under £7500 for her charities.






To receive Deputations in accordance with Standing Order No 3.4 and to answer Public Questions pursuant to Standing Order No 3.5, such questions to be answered orally during a time not exceeding 15 minutes.


(NOTE: Standing Order No 3.4 requires that notice of a Deputation should be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY, 29 MARCH 2021 and likewise Standing Order No 3.6 requires that notice of a Public Question should be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY, 29 MARCH 2021).



There were none


Questions (if any) pursuant to Standing Order No 3.3

(NOTE: Members are reminded that Standing Order No 3.3 requires that Notice of Question pursuant to that Standing Order must be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON TUESDAY, 30 MARCH 2021).



A question in the name of Councillor Furlong

Q. Could the Chairman of the Community Board advise how much financially has been committed to the delivery of the DSO?


Was answered by the Chairman of the Community Board.


A question in the name of Councillor Jones


Q. Could the Chairman of the Community Safety Partnership advise the increase in police numbers for Hampshire since 2020 and if there are further increases in the pipeline?


Was answered by the Chairman of the Community Safety Partnership


A question in the name of Councillor Furlong


Q. Could the Chairman of the Community Board confirm how many new locations there are where CCTV has been installed?


Was answered by the Chairman of Community Board


A question in the name of Cllr Morgan

Q. Can the Chairman of the Community Board advise the council what new leisure facilities have been provided recently.


Was answered by the Chairman of Community Board


A question in the name of Councillor Burgess the Chairman of the Community Board, Has the Contract with Urbaser for street cleaning been reduced.


Was answered by the Chairman of the Community Board


A question in the name of Councillor Beavis

Q. To the Chairman of Economic Development, What action has been taken recently,and will be in the future, to ensure the High Street meets the needs of local people?.


Was answered by the Chairman of the Economic Development Board


A question in the name of Councillor Burgess


Q. With regard to the latest council tax setting could the Chairman of P&O confirm what percentage increase was charged to Gosport Residents from Gosport Borough Council and whether it was 4 times the rate of inflation?


Was answered by the Chairman of the Policy and Organisation Board



A question in the name of  Councillor Raffaelli

Q. Could the Chairman of P&O advise what the latest figure is we currently hold in reserves and could this be used to meet any financial deficit in the future?


Was answered by the Chairman of the Policy and Organisation Board.


A question in the name of Councillor Jones

Q. to date, in this financial year, have Gosport Councillors awarded themselves a tax payer funded pay rise?


Was answered by the Chairman of the Policy and Organisation Board


A question in the name of Councillor Blackman

Q. Have Gosport Borough councillors closed libraries in Gosport?

Was answered by the Chairman of the Policy and Organisation Board


A question in the name of Councillor Murphy

Q. Is it possible for one member only of the council to vote to give themselves a financial allowance.


Was answered by the Chairman of the Policy and Organisation Board


A question in the name of Councillor Rev Blackman

Q. When Councillor Hook becomes Mayor of Gosport in May, will he earn an extra £7,330 as stated in a recent Peter Chegwyn Liberal Democrat leaflet?


Was answered by the Chairman of the Policy and Organisation Board.


A question in the name of Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78.


To receive the following Part II minutes of the Boards of the Council: pdf icon PDF 53 KB



Climate Change Board

Economic Development Board  

Community Board

Housing Board

Policy and Organisation Board

11 March 2021

17 March 2021

18 March 2021

19 March 2021

24 March 2021


Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the following Part II Minutes be received.


Climate Change Board- 11th March 2021

Economic Development Board- 17th March 2021

Community Board- 18th March 2021

Housing Board- 19th March 2021

Policy & Organisation Board- 24th March 2021


Capital Strategy pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To consider the report of the Borough Treasurer.


Consideration was given to a report by the Borough Treasurer seeking approval by full Council of the Capital Strategy 2021/22


RESOLVED: That the Council approved the Capital Strategy for 2021/22


Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider the report of the Borough Treasurer


Consideration was given to a report by the Borough Treasurer seeking approval of an Investment Strategy.


RESOLVED: That the Council approved the Investment Strategy.



To consider the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel and agree any changes to the current Scheme of Allowances for Members.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer asking the Council to consider the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel and agree any changes to the current Scheme of Allowances.


An amendment was proposed as follows:


The removal of


Opposition Spokesperson allowances (currently only applicable to the Liberal Democrat group): £1189.20;


and the removal of the


Group Leaders’ bonus provision of an additional 10% top up to the Special Responsibility Allowance given to the Leader and the Opposition Group Leader (currently only applicable to the Liberal Democrat Group Leader) dependent on effective leadership and to be applied for: set out in paragraphs 14.2 and 17.4 of the report;


and the removal of


Any amendment which affects an allowance payable for the year in which the amendment is made shall apply with effect from 1 April of the year in which the amendment is made.



The proposed amendment was subsequently voted on and was CARRIED and became the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION


A subsequent AMENDMENT was proposed as follows:


The removal of the payment of £4756.79 to the Chairman of Standards and Governance Committee.


The proposed amendment was subsequently voted on and was LOST.


It was subsequently proposed and seconded that a separate vote be taken on clause number 4 of the recommendation.


This was subsequently LOST.


A vote was taken on the Substantive Motion and was CARRIED.




That the Council agrees each of the following recommendations from  the Independent Remuneration Panel as set out in their report dated January 2021:


In line with the current Scheme, no more than 50% of Members of Gosport Borough Council are to receive Special Responsibility allowances at any one time;


The Basic Allowance be paid at 6700.77 per annum which has been calculated by reference to the work involved and no provision has been included for other out of pocket expenses;


No Member should be entitled to receive more than one Special Responsibility Allowance;


Special Responsibility Allowances should be paid for the following roles and in the following amounts:


Leader of the Council: £14,852.53


Chairman of Service Boards, Regulatory Board and Standards and Governance Committee £4756.79


Opposition Political Group Leaders Special Responsibility Allowance be calculated in accordance with the formula set out in paragraph 36 of the Independent Remuneration Panel’s Report and paid in the following amounts:


Liberal Democrat Group Leader: £6108.10

Labour Group Leader: £872.59


Vice Chairmen of Boards do not receive a Special Responsibility Allowance;


Deputy Leader does not receive a Special Responsibility Allowance;


Travel Allowance should only be paid for travel outside of the Borough on approved duties at 40.9 pence per mile;


The Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowance should be subject to an annual adjustment equal to percentage increase in the pay of Gosport Borough Council Staff and implemented in April each year;


Child Care and Dependent Carers’ Allowances should be retained and paid at the hourly rate for the National Living Wage for attendance at formally approved meetings only (not constituency  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82.



To advise members of the recruitment process for an Independent Person under The Localism Act 2011 and to recommend appointments be made by the Council.


Consideration was given to a report by the Borough Treasurer and Monitoring Officer advising Members of the recruitment process for an Independent Person under the Localism Act 2011 and to recommend appointments be made by the Council.



RESOLVED: That the Council approved the appointment of Mr Christopher Willis as an Independent Person for the period of 4 years ending on 31 March 2025.