Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Gosport, PO12 1EB
Contact: Lisa Young email:
No. | Item |
To receive apologies from Members for their inability to attend the meeting Minutes: Apologies for non attendance were received from Councillor Cully and Honorary Alderman Dickson. |
Declarations of Interest All Members are required to disclose at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter, any disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest in any item(s) being considered at this meeting.
Minutes: Councillor Johnston declared a personal interest agenda item 7 at the point at which taxis were discussed.
Councillor Marshall advised that he held a taxi License in Havant.
Mayor's Communication Minutes: The Mayor advised that he had attended a large amount of events over the last week and one of the underlying constants in all of the events was the importance of volunteers.
The Mayor wished to pay tribute to all the volunteers involved and recognised the importance of them in society.
To confirm the minutes of the Council held on 18 October 2023 To sign the minutes as a true and correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 18 October 2023 be signed as a true and correct record. |
Deputations and Public Questions (NOTE: Standing Order No. 3.4 requires that notice of a Deputation should be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023 and likewise Standing Order No. 3.5 requires that notice of a Public Question should be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023)
Minutes: There were none. |
Members Questions (NOTE: Members are reminded that Standing Order No. 3.3 requires that Notice of Question pursuant to that Standing Order must be received by the Borough Solicitor NOT LATER THAN 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON TUESDAY 12 DECEMBER 2023 )
Minutes: Six Members questions had been received.
Councillor Raffaelli to Councillor Chegwyn
We should all be delighted that the government has provisionally awarded up to £18,117,915 to Gosport Borough Council for the RECONNECTING HISTORIC GOSPORT WATERFRONT project which was submitted last year by the Conservatives for Round Two of the Levelling Up Fund. It is that Conservative project which has now been awarded the funding in Round Three. This money is to help pay for the restoration of the Rum Store and to connect the town centre to the waterfront. However, in the latest Liberal Democrat leaflet, Cllr Chegwyn claims the funding will help with the demolition of the old Bus Station and the creation of a new “People’s Park”. What part of the planned walking and cycling route improvements to reconnect the waterfront is he now not going to deliver in order to divert funding to his People’s Park?
Answer: The Liberal Democrat Council are trusted by the Government to deliver the project, which previous administrations had not been.
Supplementary question: The answer provided includes spin, as there was no requirement to submit a bid for the third round of funding, 55 bids from round two had been carried over and supported. The bid for round two was made under the previous administration. The Policy and Organisation Board report advised that the £800,000 required for the People’s Park had increased to £1.35 million and that in turning down residential development on the site for affordable housing and additional flats, which included plans for shops restaurants and a Tourist Information Centre. The removal of these proposals had cost the Council £5-£6 million. How will the cost of the People’s Park be met, when this funding has been lost, and the proposals have evolved from a field with a burger van to multiple bistros, restaurants and wine bars? The costs of such proposals will bankrupt the Council.
Answer: The proposal was never for a burger van, the administration has been trusted by the government to deliver the levelling up bid. None of the money from the £18,117,915 awarded will be used for the People’s park.
Councillor Burgess to Councillor Chegwyn
Gosport residents are already regularly experiencing missed refuse collections. We now understand that the refuse collection teams are going on strike on Boxing Day for 2 weeks. What contingency plans do you have in place for Gosport residents over the festive period when higher than usual levels of waste are expected?
Answer: Higher waste levels are always anticipated over the festive period and allowed for. Not all matters in the press should be believed, there is no strike so no contingency is required. Supplementary question: The Managing Director of Urbaser has been to the depot today, can the Leader update with facts on the negotiations on the strikes.
Answer: The Managing Director of Urbaser was at the depot today and good progress had been made, the Liberal Democrats would make sure there was no bin strikes. The dispute is not with Gosport ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
To receive the Part I Minutes of the Boards of the Council Policy and Organisation Board – 29 November 2023 Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the Part I recommendation of the Policy and Organisation Board.
At its meeting on 29 November 2023 the Policy and Organisation Board considered a report of the Borough Treasurer detailing the updated Fees and Charges. The recommendations are now presented to Full Council for approval.
An amendment was proposed to the report as follows:
It is recommended that the fees and charges referred to in the report and appendix are frozen at the rates introduced into effect on 1st January 2023 with the exception of those fees and charges which are statutory and require to be uplifted in accordance with regulations and the two new charges introducing a drugs test for taxi drivers and a range of concession rate charges for pest control.
This was proposed by Councillor Burgess and seconded by Councillor Philpott.
A Councillor advised that they felt the proposed fees and charges were another attack on residents, with 3 rises to car parking charges in 18 months and felt that residents were not aware of how much they had increased. A proposed amendment to freeze fees and charges at 1 January 2023 would not see a vast increase to most of the fees reducing the burden on the public.
A Member advised that an increase of 60% on some car parking charges was unacceptable as the CPI currently sat at 8.5% this year, following a rate of 10.1% last year. The increased charges would do nothing to encourage tourists to the Town, or encourage residents to stay, shop and utilise their local area over out of Town centres with free parking, or Town Centres like Winchester and Southampton. It was felt the increases could close businesses.
In addition they felt there was a stealth tax on fitness and exercise, not only through the car parking charges, but through the increase in charges on sports pitches.
A Members advised that they supported the amendment as there was no justification for the increase in charges. If CPI had been considered as justification for the increase, as it was in the previous year, then the month preceding the proposed increase, CPI had sat at 4.6% so offered even less justification of such large increases. Figures from the Bank of England supported this making the proposed increases to sports facilities and car parking of between 40-70% appalling and unjustifiable. In addition it was advised that from January 2024 Hampshire County Council would be removing charges for disposal of DIY waste and therefore the continuation of the skips scheme would be obsolete and be contrary to previous statements advising provision non statutory services. Waste disposal was a Hampshire County Council function, not Gosport Borough Council, removing the amenity skips would save money, reducing the need for such increases.
A Members advised that the Gosport Borough Council Local Plan highlighted that residents of Gosport had a lower life expectancy. 5 of the Borough’s wards were in the top 20% in the country for poor health and faced great ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
To receive the Part II Minutes of the Boards of the Council Policy and Organisation Board - 29 November 2023 Minutes: The Part II Minutes of the Policy and Organisation Board on 29 November 2023 be presented and accepted by the Council.
Members expressed frustration that they had not seen the business case work undertaken to date and had been asked to approve additional expenditure on more business case work, without seeing the results of the initial £20000 spend. Concern was expressed that a second case was being sought as the first did not offer what was desired.
Members advised that they had submitted Freedom of Information requests but had not been given the opportunity to view the document.
A Members expressed concern that in addition to the increased purchase price, there were concerns that for the proposal to be commercially viable the cost would between £7-£8million.
A Members advised that the minutes of the Policy and Organsiation Board advised there was a desire to see the existing business case, but advised that feeling was stronger than that and that it was a demand to see it.
Some Members expressed concern that the whole project was a waste of money.
It was acknowledged that visits to other potentially similar venues had been undertaken, but when comparing the facilities in the proximity of the venues there were significant differences.
The Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne had 5 hotels and restaurants within 270 yards, it also had ample parking within close proximity and seated 483. The Regent Theatre in Christchurch sat 505, had 5 hotels within 150 yards, a number of local restaurants, significant parking spaces, and a railway station within 0.6 of a mile.
A Member expressed concern that these facts alone meant there was no way to compare the venues, as the infrastructure to support them simply wasn’t there.
Some Members felt that the second resolution of the Board with regard to the Criterion wasn’t acceptable and placed on record their disagreement to it.
A Member advised that the report had not been required to be presented to the Board and doing so had increased transparency in decision making and that it was disappointing to hear such negativity.
A survey had been undertaken which had found to have overwhelming support for the project from the public.
Animal Welfare Charter This report sets out the proposed Animal Welfare Charter as recommended by the Animal Welfare Working Group.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Animal Welfare Working Group detailing a proposed Animal Welfare Charter.
The Council were advised that there was an historical document that detailed the previous charter but that it could not be located and it was felt that it was long overdue an update.
The Group had considered a number of issues with regard to animal welfare and discussed at length the limitations of action that be taken by the Council and had invited guest speakers and wanted to encourage responsible pet ownership.
Members felt that a review date should be set on the document.
A Members suggested that a link be included into the PSPO for Dog Controls and the Countryside Code and the Marine and Coastal Welfare code.
A Members also questioned whether there was any regulation regarding animal welfare at events such as reindeers at Christmas Fayres.
Members welcomed the inclusion of the Countryside Code and the PSPO as appendices and suggested a review after two years.
RESOLVED: That the Animal Welfare Charter be approved. |
Gosport and Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 2023 This report seeks approval from Full Council to make the Gosport and Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order 2023 to replace the 2020 order.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Corporate Policy and Community Safety detailing the PSPO for the Town Centre.
It was confirmed that there had been no additional cost as a result of the previous PSPO lapsing. Members felt that the value in the PSPO was in its enforcement and welcomed that it would improve the Town Centre.
The Council expressed their thanks to the Head of Corporate Policy and Community Safety for her work on the project.
RESOLVED: That the Council: · Considers the results of the consultation exercise in relation to this matter carried out between 01/11/2023-29/11/2023, · Approves the proposed Gosport and Town Centre PSPO 2023 (to be effective from 14 December 2023 to 13 December 2027) to control Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in the area shown edged black in the accompanying plans as set out in Appendix 1, · Delegates Authority to the Head of Corporate Policy and Community Safety to take the necessary required steps to implement the proposed Gosport and Town Centre PSPO 2023 in the form of Appendix 1.
ADDENDUM: The PSPO can only be made for a period of 3 years. Therefore the expiration date must be the 13 December 2026, not 2027 as per the agreed decision. |
Outside body appointment To nominate an appointment to Bridgemary Bowling Club. Minutes: The Council were asked to consider a request to appoint a Member to Bridgemary Bowls Club as an outside body representative.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Hammond be appointed. |
Any Other Items Minutes: There were none. |