Agenda and minutes

Policy and Organisation Board - Wednesday, 5th July, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Lisa Young  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


There were none.


Declarations of interest

All Members are required to disclose at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter, any disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest in any item(s) being considered at this meeting.



Councillor Burgess declared that with regard to agenda item 11 he had given money to both  Montserrat events and the Stoke Road Community Day from his Hampshire County Councillor budget.


Councillor Cully advised that her husband had a non GBC allotment.


Councillor Chegwyn advised that he had sought advice and did not need to declare an interest in agenda item 11


Minutes of the meeting of the board held on 15 March 2023 and 25 April 2023 pdf icon PDF 223 KB

To sign as a true and correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2023 and 25 April 2023.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 15 March 2023 and 25 April 2023 be signed as a true and correct record.


Deputations - Standing Order 3.4

(NOTE: The Board is required to receive a deputation(s) on a matter which is before the meeting of the Board provided that notice of the intended deputation and its object shall have been received by the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on 3 July 2023.  The total time for deputations in favour and against a proposal shall not exceed 10 minutes).



There were none.


Public Questions - Standing order 3.5

(NOTE: The Board is required to allow a total of 15 minutes for questions from Members of the public on matters within the terms of reference of the Board provided that notice of such Question(s) shall have been submitted to the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on 3rd July 2023).



There were none.



To advise the Board of the Council’s statutory responsibilities for reviewing UK Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places and to agree the recommendations as set out in this report.


Consideration was given to a report of Electoral Registration Officer advising the Board of the Council’s statutory responsibilities for reviewing UK Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places and requesting the recommendations as set out in the report be approved.


The Board was advised that there were a couple of updates to the report in that under paragraph 2.1 it had been advised that updated guidance as a result of the Electoral Act 2022 would be available in August/September.


2.1.8 the recommendation of the task and finish group had missed the detail requesting confirmation of Members of the Group would take place at a later date.


2.20 The ERO had identified some specific areas which needed to be looked out with regard to polling place provision and elector number, but that wider consideration could also be given to the entire Borough.





1.  To approve the creation of an Electoral Task and Finish Group to carry out the formal review of Gosport’s UK Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places.

2.   To agree to the terms of reference for the Electoral Task and Finish Group as outlined within this report

3.   To agree to the timetable of the review as outlined within this report.

4.   To approve the membership of the Electoral Task and Finish Group as per paragraph 2.17 – with members to be confirmed at a later Policy & Organisation Board.


Statement of Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 168 KB


To seek Members’ approval of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) following a period of consultation on a draft Statement of Community Involvement.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Manager of Planning Policy seeking Members’ approval of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) following a period of consultation on a draft Statement of Community Involvement.


Members acknowledged that response to the consultation had been modest, but that all comments had been considered and included within the report.


Members thanked the Manager of Planning Policy for a very good report.


RESOLVED: That the Board Approves the Statement of Community Involvement for Planning Policy and Development Management functions.


Digital Strategy - Project delivery plan pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Gosport’s Government funded investment plan (UK Shared Prosperity Fund – UKSPF) provides opportunity to deliver digital inclusion projects and maximise the benefits of digital technologies. Digital interventions will be delivered against the three Government set priorities of Communities & Place, Supporting local Business and people & Skills.


This report seeks Council approval for delivery of the proposed project programme against the three Government priorities of Communities & Place, Supporting local Business and people & Skills.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Project OfficerGosport’s Government funded investment plan (UK Shared Prosperity Fund – UKSPF) provides opportunity to deliver digital inclusion projects and maximise the benefits of digital technologies. Digital interventions will be delivered against the three Government set priorities of Communities & Place, Supporting local Business and people & Skills.



The Board was advised that a particular aim was to support those in sheltered accommodation to undertake tasks such as e consults for medical appointments and benefit applications.


Members were advised that children of families on low incomes would be provided with the technology needed for education by the schools.


Members were advised that year 1 and 2 of the project would run parallel and that regular reviews of outcomes and aims would be undertaken.


The Board was advised that equipment and trainers would be procured and that if possible the equipment would be left as a legacy.


Members requested that an update report be presented to the Board in September. This was agreed.


RESOLVED: That Council approve the proposed delivery of projects against the three Government priorities, to be delivered by March 2025 in line with the UKSPF funding criteria and that an additional report be brought to the Policy and Organisation Board in September detailing planning and progress.





To seek support of the Board for additions to the Capital programme and to use developer contributions for Open Space provision secured through Section 106 Agreements, for the development of a new allotment site at Manor Way Open Space and approve the revised design.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report  seek support of the Board for additions to the Capital programme and to use developer contributions for Open Space provision secured through Section 106 Agreements, for the development of a new allotment site at Manor Way Open Space and approve the revised design.


Members acknowledged that waiting lists for allotments were significant and that the plots were in great demand.


Members welcomed that the provision included specific allotments disabled use, with increased size parking bays, locations closer to the car park and raised beds to plant in.


Members sought confirmation as to what would be included in the first scheme of development and it was confirmed that initially the planning application, ecology design and mitigation and plot work would be undertaken, the raised beds, tracks, water points and fencing would follow.


Members expressed concern that the promised raised beds were not included and requested that costs be provided and that these improvements be undertaken as part of the first phase.


The figure required was not known but it was requested that if reasonable, the work be included.


Members were advised that the tree to the south eastern corner would be retained as there was a badger sett and the area on which knotweed had been removed would be left.


It was acknowledged that ecological work on the site would remain ongoing.


Members recognised that a planning application would need to be submitted and that this and other ecological work would allow for the opening date to be March/April 2024.


Members sought clarification from the Borough Solicitior whether the amended scheme, which included an additional 9 plots as a result of the loss of the rest garden, would need another consultation undertaken and it had been determined that it was not required. It was acknowledged that comments could be made as part of the planning process.


It was agreed that the proposals be agreed, with consideration being given to including the provision for disabled use allotments in the initial phase,





RESOLVED: That the Policy and Organisation Board approve

i)     The development of a new allotment site at Manor Way open space and the scheme be added to the Council’s capital program.

ii)    Approve the use of available Open Space developer S106 contributions to fund the scheme.

iii)   The costs of the disabled access allotments be provided to the Leader to allow consideration of their inclusion within the first phase.







To seek support of the Board for additions to the Capital programme and to use developer contributions for Open Space provision secured through CIL contributions, for the development of a garden within Bastion No 1 (The Ramparts).


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant to the Chief Executive seeking support seek support for additions to the Capital programme and to use developer contributions for Open Space provision secured through CIL contributions, for the development of a garden within Bastion No 1 (The Ramparts).


Members welcomed the proposal and recognised the importance of the site both locally and nationally. It was a protected area and one of Scientific Special Interst.


It was acknowledged and requested that work needed to be undertaken on the sluice gate to allow the site to reach potential.


It was hoped that in future a viewing platform could be constructed.


The site was the starting point of the Gosport Lines and was significant as it was one of only two left in the UK.


Members congratulatied the Friends of Bastion No. 1 Group and unanimously agreed the proposal.


RESOLVED: That the Board agrees to the use of Strategic CIL contributions to be used for the delivery of a new garden within the footprint of Bastion No 1, The Ramparts and approve amendments to the Capital programme as detailed in paragraph 2.4 of this report.



Event Funding pdf icon PDF 301 KB

This report sets out the proposal to provide funding support for the ‘Summer in Gosport’ Events programme. Supporting externally organised events builds on the Council’s plan to increase footfall in our Town centre, supports the economic growth in Gosport, provides free activities across the summer period and delivers towards the Council’s Cultural Strategy.



Consideration was given to a report of the Project Officer detailing the proposal to provide funding support for the ‘Summer in Gosport’ Events programme. Supporting externally organised events builds on the Council’s plan to increase footfall in our Town centre, supports the economic growth in Gosport, provides free activities across the summer period and delivers towards the Council’s Cultural Strategy.


Members were advised that the funding was to support two events within the borough.


The events formed part of a catalogue of events that would take place, delivering free entertainment to the residents of the Borough supported by Gosport Borough Council.


The Stoke Road event had been led by the traders and tribute was paid to the

hard work put in by them.


It was hoped that the economic benefit of the proposals would help traders and that work with the Hampshire Cultural trust would also be supporting events within the Borough.


Members were advised that discussions had taken place with regard to the charges for the hire of the Montserrat Events staging and that this was ongoing.


Members were also advised that it had been suggested that collection buckets be placed at the sunset festival to allow those that felt they could contribute to donate to the Mayor of Gosport Charities.


Members acknowledged that the success of the Stoke Road events had led to them requiring a partial road closure, which would significantly increase costs.


Members reiterated that there was a large number of events taking place that would be free for families to visit and would benefit residents of the Borough.




RESOLVED: That the Board/Committee approves the following subject to the Council's normal financial due diligence:

i)     A direct payment of £10,500 from the Economic Development Museums/Cultural budget to Montserrat Events to support the delivery of the ‘Party in the Park’ Summer programme event on 29th & 30th July 2023.

ii)    The transfer of £9,000 from the Criterion revenue budget to Economic Development Museums/Cultural budget.

iii)  A direct payment of £9,000 from the Economic Development Museums/Cultural budget to the Stoke Road Community group to support the delivery of their summer festival event on the 16th September 2023.



Sale of Freehold of Land at Mumby Road (former Crewsaver site), Gosport, PO12 1AQ pdf icon PDF 242 KB

To follow

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant Disrector of Property and Investment detailing the proposed sale of the Freehold at Land at Mumby Road.


It was acknowledged that as well as the sale price of the land, there would be the release of a fund that would also bring in an additional £140000.



RESOVLED: That the Board:

1.    Approves the sale of the freehold of Land at Mumby Road (former Crewsaver site) for the sum of £110,000, and


2.    Grants delegated authority to the Chief Executive and Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to complete the transaction.



Any other items

That the Chairman considers urgent.


The Chairman advised that he had attended the Celebration of Life of Julian Kemp, earlier in the day.


Julian had, for a number of years provided technical services for the Council including events such as Remembrance Sunday, Freedom Parades and Council meetings, and was well known and liked by Council Officers and Staff.


Julian’s family had been touched to receive so much correspondence from the Council about the high regard in which he was held.


Condolence was expressed to the family.


PSPO - Dog Control pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Consideration was given to a late report of the Head of Environmental Health requesting consideration be given to implementing a Public Space Protection Order, for the control of dogs.


Members were advised that the previous PSPO had unfortunately lapsed but that this was a replacement and was identical to what was previously in place.


The Board was advised that it was enforceable immediately and that there was a slight typographical amendment to be made.

The Board was advised that the PSPO allowed the enforcement officers to educate, and inform the public where is was permitted to walk dogs. The number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued was small.


Members welcomed that PSPOs would be monitored to ensure they did not expire and that this would allow for renewals in future.




That the Board:

a)     Considers the results of the consultation exercise in relation to this matter carried out between 4 May 2023 and 9 June 2023 included within the report.

b)     Makes a new Public Spaces Protection Dog Control Order (PSPDCO) and if relevant record any modifications and or approve the PSPDCO attached at Appendix A (“Draft PSPDCO”)

c)     Delegates Authority to the Head of Environmental Health to take the required steps to implement the PSPDCO in the form of Appendix A of the report.