Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Lisa Young Email:
Note: Extraordinary
No. | Item |
Apologies for non-attendance To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting. Minutes: An apology for non attendance was received from Councillor Hutchison. |
Declarations of interest All Members are required to disclose at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter, any disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest in any item(s) being considered at this meeting.
Minutes: There were none. |
Deputations - Standing Order 3.4 (NOTE: The Board is required to receive a deputation(s) on a matter which is before the meeting of the Board provided that notice of the intended deputation and its object shall have been received by the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Monday 23rd December 2024. The total time for deputations in favour and against a proposal shall not exceed 10 minutes).
Minutes: There were none. |
Public Questions - Standing order 3.5
(NOTE: The Board is required to allow a total of 15 minutes for questions from Members of the public on matters within the terms of reference of the Board provided that notice of such Question(s) shall have been submitted to the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Monday 23rd December 2024).
Minutes: There were none. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting as this report contains exempt information within the meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006 Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because, disclosure to the public would prejudice the financial position of the authority in the future tender process for the development by allowing other contractors to know the fees awarded by, or budgeted for by, the Council. This in turn prejudices the Council by (i) distorting the bids process and (ii) prejudicing the opportunity for the Council to achieve best value for the prudent management of its financial affairs.
Grant of direct award for landscaping contract as the initial phase of the redevelopment of former Gosport Bus Station/The People's Park Report to follow Minutes: Consideration was given to an exempt report of the Head of Commercial Property.
RESOLVED: That the recommendations in the report be agreed.
Any other items Minutes: The Board were advised that the upcoming meeting of the Board would be rescheduled from 22nd January 2025 to the 21st January 2025.
The Board was also advised that there was a desire to consider the ongoing discussions around the Local Government Reform and Devolution on a cross party basis, once more information had been received.