Agenda and minutes

Community Board - Thursday, 18th March, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Lisa Young  Email:

Link: Click here to access live meeting

No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


The Board was advised that Councillor Cully was a permanent replacement on the Board for Councillor Farr.  


Declarations of Interest

All Members are required to disclose at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter, any disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest in any item(s) being considered at this meeting.  


There were none.


Minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2021 pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2021 be signed as a true and correct record.




Deputations - Standing Order 3.4

(NOTE: The Board is required to receive a deputation(s) on a matter which is before the meeting of the Board provided that notice of the intended deputation and its object shall have been received by the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Tuesday 16th March 2021.  The total time for deputations in favour and against a proposal shall not exceed 10 minutes).


There were none.


Public Questions - Standing Order 3.5

(NOTE: The Board is required to allow a total of 15 minutes for questions from Members of the public on matters within the terms of reference of the Board provided that notice of such Question(s) shall have been submitted to the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Tuesday 16th March 2021).



There were none.


Stokes Bay Seawall Repair pdf icon PDF 3 MB

This report serves:

1.    To update the Community Board on the progress of the Phase 1 capital programme repairs to the damaged seawall at Stokes Bay East Phase 1 repair works.

2.    To confirm the mandate to progress with the Phase 2 Feasibility Study into sea defences in Stokes Bay in line with allocated funds from Gosport Borough Council (GBC), Hampshire County Council (HCC) and Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (SFRCC) Local Levy.

To set out funding, programme and procurement routes for Phase 1 and 2 professional services and Phase 1 construction activities


Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Streetscene updating the Board on the progress of the Phase 1 capital programme, confirming the mandate to progress with the Phase 2 Feasibility Study into sea defences in Stokes Bay and to set out funding, programme and procurement routes for Phase 1 and 2 professional services and Phase 1 construction activities.


Members acknowledged that the Head of Streetscene and the Council’s contractors had undertaken work in difficult conditions over the Christmas period to prevent further damage from Storm Bella.


It was requested that clarification be given to the area of sea wall marked as in need of repair that would be maintained and it was clarified that it was the sea wall opposite the entrance to the Alverbank, the wall was aging and had structural issues and that running repairs would continue. It was acknowledged that unlike the Environment agency, Gosport Borough Council did not have access to Government funds for repairs. Concern was expressed at the walls continued exposure to poor weather and hoped that running repairs could be considered.


A Member advised the Board that the culvert at the entrance to the River Alver was cleared and shingle was cleared to the left, this was no longer happening and as a result a spithead had appeared in line with the sightline of Bayside Cabin. It was felt that this would have an effect on the tidal flow, and the sea wall and questioned if investigations were being carried out.


Concern was expressed that a reduced version of the clearance was being carried out and that shingle that was previously as high as that located in Browndown was now far lower, and expressed concern that this was impacting on the tidal flow of the sea.


The Board was advised that the coastline was routinely monitored with at least one inspection per year of the levels and profiles and shows that the cretions around the outfall are falling. The EA were only interested in clearing the River Alver to return the flow of water.  The material wasn’t necessarily in the best place, but met the EA requirements.


It was suggested that a beach management plan would be affective as it would identify material that could be relocated, for example to the sea wall, which would help both keep the Alver clear and protect the sea wall. Discussions would need to be held with the Environment Agency to progress this further. It would need careful thought and had been undertaken before.


Members advised that there was confidence in the coastal partners, however it was felt that the Environment Agency was not taking their responsibilities seriously and that they would not move the material from the culvert and locate it near to the entrance which resulted in it building up, rather than moving it further along the bay.


It was felt that previously it was ensured that the excess spoil was moved to the left hand side of the slipway allowing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Hardway PSPO pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To inform the Community Board that the Hardway Public Spaces Protection Order (Hardway PSPO) was extended by the Chief Executive on 05 March 2021 so as to prevent it lapsing and expiring on 07 March 2021. 


This report seeks to refer the Board to the exercise of the Chief Executive’s powers pursuant to para 3.6 of Part 3 Schedule 10 of the Constitution to extend the Hardway PSPO for 3 years.  The report seeks determination by the Board as to the extension of the Hardway PSPO in light of the public consultation and review exercise.


To inform the Board that the Hardway PSPO can be discharged should they determine that to be the best course of action, taking into account the outcome of the consultation and review exercise.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer informing the Board that the Hardway Public Spaces Protection Order (Hardway PSPO) was extended by the Chief Executive on 5 March 2021 so as to prevent it lapsing and expiring on 7 March 2021.


A Members advised that they supported the proposals as it offered comfort and reassurance to residents that had suffered


The Board was advised that the intention had been for the PSPO to be returned to the Board following public consultation, however the timeframe was such that to ensure the PSPO continued the extension needed to be approved by the Chief Executive using existing powers. It was initially proposed to do this for two weeks only, but upon review the extension could only be for 3 years.


On conclusion the PSPO had already been extended, the purpose of the Board was ensure it was satisfied with the actions taken and the emergency approval of the PSPO and the actions could be rejected if not.


A Members advised that they supported the proposals as it offered comfort and reassurance to residents that had suffered.


Members also welcomed the cross agency approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour and welcomed the successful programme of diversionary activities and welcomed that they would continue this year.


The PSPO allowed for Gosport Council officers to take greater enforcement action or work with the Police to do so. Members felt the extension was essential and would be most welcome and welcomed the community engagement that it brought.




That the Board noted that the Hardway PSPO was extended using emergency powers on 5 March 2021, such extension to take effect from 7 March 2021.


That the Board regarded:

(i)            The Hardway PSPO as extended

(ii)           The informal intervention work the Council and its partner agencies undertake with young people to prevent the behavior escalating

(iii)          Existing anti-social behavior powers and other enforcement tools at the disposal of the Council and police

(iv)          Comments received from stakeholders and figures.


That the Board concluded that notwithstanding the paragraph above, it is still appropriate and proportionate to approve the extension of the Hardway PSPO at the Green and immediate locality.





Seashore Byelaw pdf icon PDF 86 KB


To update the Board as to the Seashore Byelaws following the first public consultation

To determine whether any amendments should be made to the proposed Seashore Byelaws (Appendix A) following the regulatory assessment and outcome of the informal consultation exercise (Appendix B).

To seek the Board’s approval as to the proposed Seashore Byelaws attached.

To task the Borough Solicitor with submitting the proposed Seashore Byelaws to the Secretary of State for Approval.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer updating the Board as to the Seashore Byelaws following the first public consultation, seeking Board approval as to the proposed Seashore Byelaws, to task the Borough Solicitor with submitting the proposed Seashore Byelaws to the Secretary of State for approval, and to determine whether any amendments should be made to the proposed Seashore Byelaws.


Members welcomed the proposals and it was acknowledged that the original bylaws were set in 1958.


In answer to a Member’s question, the Board was advised that the removal of shingle was not permitted and was illegal under existing laws, in this instance the Coastal Protection Act 1949 with £1000 fine. The as bylaws were designed to cover issues not covered by existing legislation.


Members particularly welcomed the prohibition of motor vehicles on the sea shore and authority to address where jet skis could launch from.


It was recognised that the bylaws needed to be approved by the secretary of state but it was welcomed that they were being addressed.


It was confirmed that the bylaws extended to cover the whole of Stoke Lake and Jackie Spencer Bridge. It was acknowledged that if the map was zoomed in that this would be shown and that any area covered as seashore as per the definition, would be covered by the bylaws and where the seashore touched.


It was acknowledged that some land it was not possible to enforce on as it was owned by the MOD.


It was confirmed that the entirety of Stoke Lake was covered. It was also clarified that signage would be erected covering the sites.


In answer to a Member’s question, the Board was advised that parking would be prohibited on the lake side of Little Anglesey Road, as would BBQ’s. The Board was advised that confirmation would need to be sought on whether the islands in Stoke Lake would be covered by the bylaws.


The Board was advised that the bylaws would be presented to the Secretary of State following consultation, and then would be taken to full Council. It was hoped that these would be in place by the summer.


Members thanked the Officers for the work on the proposals.


Members expressed concern that no BBQ’s and cycling signs were being ignored. Concern was expressed at controlling the use of BBQs. There was particular concerns as BBQ’s were buried under the shingle, and in the bins damaging them. It was felt important that the bylaws were published widely to ensure that the public were aware of the proposed bylaws.


It was reiterated that the level of the high water mark covered the areas covered by the bylaws.


In answer to a Member’s question, the Board was advised that those that engaged with the survey would be acknowledged following the conclusion of the meeting. The specific questions raised that were not included were either covered by alternative legislation, or they had been considered and were not appropriate with for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Any Other Items