Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Linda Coote Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for non-attendance Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of Interest All Members are required to disclose at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter, any disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest in any item(s) being considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were none |
Minutes of the previous meeting of the Community Board held on 5 January 2022 PDF 207 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2022 be signed as a true and correct record. |
Deputations - Standing Order 3.4 (NOTE: The Board is required to receive a deputation(s) on a matter which is before the meeting of the Board provided that notice of the intended deputation and its object shall have been received by the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Friday 4th March 2022. The total time for deputations in favour and against a proposal shall not exceed 10 minutes). Minutes: There were none |
Public Questions - Standing Order 3.5 (NOTE: The Board is required to allow a total of 15 minutes for questions from Members of the public on matters within the terms of reference of the Board provided that notice of such Question(s) shall have been submitted to the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Friday 4th March 2022).
Minutes: There were none |
Review of Streetscene Grounds Maintenance Service. PDF 367 KB To provide the Board with an overview on the performance of the Direct Service Organisation (DSO) following the decision to bring the service in house.
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Streetscene regarding a review of Streetscene Grounds Maintenance Service.
The Head of Streetscene updated the Board on the costs involved in paragraph 1.5. The investment of £516,667 from capital and the vehicle lease costs of £67,540 had been approved by Board. He also pointed out that paragraph 2.6.3 should read possible introduction of apprentices, not possible apprentices.
A Member wished to recognise that the thinness of the report did not reflect the amount of work that had gone into bringing the service in house and wanted to thank the Officers.
In answer to Members questions, the Head of Streetscene advised that since the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) the number of staff employed had risen from 26 to 30, the additional 4 being seasonal workers employed through the PCC temporary staff agency.
Officers advised that the interaction between the maintenance service and the Housing department was working very well indeed and the additional work they have taken on in regard to void properties etc has been very well received. They were able to offer a quicker response time than a contractor, and provided better value for money. Officers felt there was more that could be offered to the Housing department, and this would form part of the review to determine how both internal and external customers can be satisfied with the time and resources available.
Members were advised that the review would be undertaken by the Head of Streetscene and the Streetscene Operations Manager, with input from the Enforcement Manager and an Officer from Portsmouth City Council. It was hoped that these two Officers would provide insight from a different aspect.
Members were advised that engagement of staff would form part of the review, and a letter has already gone to staff advising them that the review will take place. There have been no concerns raised yet, and there would be 1-1 engagements. Officers felt that since the service had come in house the staff have felt more engaged and encouraged by the investment in new uniforms and equipment. There is good communication and issues regarding equipment faults etc are raised quickly.
Members felt that they had received positive feedback from residents who thought that the staff seemed proud to be working for the Council.
Members saw the benefits to the Housing department and how there would be a monitoring of all activities to ensure open and transparent value for money. The budget allocated to repairs would go further as they would be charged at cost and wouldn’t have to pay a contractors profit margin.
The Head of Streetscene reassured Members that succession planning would form part of the review to ensure skilled staff were able to mentor apprentices or trainees and provide the skilled workforce for the future. A skills matrix would be produced identifying the skills already present within the team. For many of the current team, grounds maintenance was a second career and they brought ... view the full minutes text for item 119. |
Any Other Items |