Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Linda Coote Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were none |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillors Chegwyn and Burgess declared a Personal interest in any item where a HCC grant had been applied for.
Councillor Cully declared a Personal interest in the item relating to Bastion Number 1
Councillor Hutchison declared a Pecuniary interest in the item relating to Friends of Hardway |
Deputations · (NOTE: The Board is required to receive a deputation(s) on a matter which is before the meeting of the Board provided that notice of the intended deputation and its object shall have been received by the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Tuesday 7th March. The total time for deputations in favour and against a proposal shall not exceed 10 minutes).
Minutes: There were no Deputations, but 13 representatives had requested to speak to the Sub Board on their aplications. |
Public Questions · (NOTE: The Board is required to allow a total of 15 minutes for questions from Members of the public on matters within the terms of reference of the Board provided that notice of such Question(s) shall have been submitted to the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on 7th March 2023).
Minutes: There were none |
Election of Chairman for the 2022/23 Municipal Year Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Peter Chegwyn was duly elected as Chairman for the municipal year, 2022-23 |
Election of the Vice Chairman for the 2022/23 Municipal Year Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Jamie Hutchison was duly elected as Vice Chairman for the municipal year 2022-23 |
To advise Members of the process of the Heritage Fund and summarise the application received in order that members can decide whether to provide funding for the proposal set out in the report Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by the Manager of Planning Policy advising Members of the process of the Heritage Fund and summarising the application received.
Officers wished to point out an error in para 1.1 of the report and advised that grants up to 50k could be applied for. They advised that the Appendix 4 which sets out the process note may be updated or revised as lessons are learnt.
i) Historic Diving Society
Members were advised that only one application had been received in this category, The Historical Diving Society, and Officers drew the members attention to paragraph 3.1 of the Report Update advising that the Society had been successfully awarded an Historic England grant towards the project as referred to in para 3.3 of the Heritage Fund report.
Consideration was given to an application for £15,500 of heritage Grant funds.
Councillor Casey was invited to address the Sub Board in his role as Vice Chair of the Society and Museum Director.
Members were advised that the main priority for the Society was to ensure the removal of the site from the Heritage England Risk Register, and the funds would go towards a project that will enhance the current asset, create employment, extend the current museum and install ramps and a lift to enable disabled access and improve the sustainability of the site by introducing a heat pump and reducing electricity usage.
Members offered Councillor Casey their congratulations for being so successful in fundraising and were pleased with the work planned, especially the proposed improvements for accessibility.
Members agreed to award £15,500
RESOLVED: That the Sub Board:
- Noted the process set out in Appendix 4 - A grant of £15,500 be paid to the Historical Diving Society
To advise members of the process of the Community Fund and summarise the applications received in order that members can decide whether to provide funding for eacj proposal as set out in the report Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by the Manager of Planning Policy advising Members of the process of the Community Fund and summarising the applications received.
Officers explained that the money available for Community Grants came from two sources- CIL money, that would have restrictions and criteria to be met, and funds released from Council budget setting which would have more broad use. The maximum bid would be £20,000, and would not be available to fund ongoing staff costs.
In answer to a Members question, Officers advised that the £20,000 given to Fleetlands FC came from the CIL fund.
i) 12th Gosport Scouts.
Consideration was given to an application for £7,000 in Community Grant funds towards the renewal of the Scout Hut roof.
John Smith and Paul Dolton were invited to address the Sub Board.
Members were advised that the group had been in St Lukes Road for over 50 years, and currently provides scouting activities for 50 young people every week, and lends the facility to other groups and charities. The premises are owned by Gosport Borough Council leased on a repair lease.
In answer to a Members question, Mr. Dolton advised that without the grant, they may have to cancel meetings and would find it difficult to protect the equipment kept in the building. The grant would equate to 50% of the funds needed with the group using their own funds for the balance. The group is awaiting the results of a bid to HCC for £2,000.
Members hoped that other sources of funding could be found to help with the replacement of the toilets, therefore allowing the group to use its funds for the roof.
Members proposed and agreed to award £6,000 of CIL funding.
ii) Yellow Edge Gallery
Consideration was given to an application for £13,390 in Community Grant to deliver a series of art courses, demonstrations and talks for local community groups and residents, delivered by professional artists and tailored to the needs of the group.
Stephen Buggle was invited to address the Sub Board.
Members were advised that he had been running the Yellow Edge Gallery as non-for profit for four years in Stoke Road. The proposed workshops would be for those who couldn’t afford to pay, and would be promoted through a number of community groups. Those taking part would be provided with all necessary materials to produce artworks, which would then be displayed in an exhibition in the Gallery. Participants would be free to take home any excess materials in order to continue to create.
In answer to a Members question, Mr. Buggle explained that it would be difficult to put participants together in mixed needs groups, and any charge for refreshments or materials would prevent the very people this scheme was aimed at participating.
Mr. Buggle advised Members that he had been in contact with the Arts Council and his figures were based on their recommended daily rates for artists, and it would take a minimum of £2,500- £3,000 to ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Urgent Community Grant Applications Minutes: By reason of special circumstances, the Chairman determined that the following items be considered at this meeting notwithstanding the fact that they had not been available for public inspection in accordance with the provisions of Section 100 (4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1985
The special circumstances were created by the need to urgently consider the following revenue applications.
I. Montserrat Events Coronation Lunch II. Level Up Gosport III. Lee Residents Association IV. Hampshire Music Service
i) Montserrat Events Coronation Lunch
Consideration was given to an application for £4,000 in Community Grant fund towards the proposal to host several community celebrations for the Coronation of King Charles III.
It was proposed and agreed to award £800 to host a public Coronation Street Party in Lee-on-the-Solent
ii) Level Up Gosport
Consideration was given to an application for £4,936 of Community Grant funds to provide a part time Support Worker and a programme to capture the progress of the young people.
Mary Ive, the Chairman of Trustees was invited to address the Sub Board, and advised that as they have successfully received £1,000 from another source, they were looking for the balance of £3,936.
Members were advised that Level Up Gosport (previously known as Loud and Proud) support young adults to gain self-respect and confidence through community volunteering, and 80% of the young people that the charity supports have gone on to secure employment, return to education or taken part in volunteering.
Members were advised that GBC Parks and Gardens have been very supportive and have agreed to pilot a three year work experience programme, but advise that a support worker is essential to ensure the young people have a point of contact.
Members agreed a sum of £2,000 to be paid now with the balance of £1,936 to be given later in the year if an application is submitted.
iii) Lee Residents Association
Consideration was given to an application for £10,000 or Community Grant funds towards the creation of a location for teaching cycle proficiency and road safety.
John White, Chairman of Lee residents Association was invited to address the Sub Board and advised that the Association was awaiting the results of applications to HCC and the Lottery.
Members were advised that the LRA had identified an area of approximately 600m2 at Lee Rec that had previously been a basketball court but was now a redundant area in a state of disrepair. The scheme would include re-surfacing the area and adding bus stops, zebra crossings, parking bays etc to provide not just a play area but a safe environment in which to learn about road safety.
Members fully supported this scheme and were keen that the work be carried and and/or supplied by local firms.
The Chairman stated that as the land belonged to GBC, other budgets should be looked at to fund the scheme including the play area budget and S106 money. It was suggested that a meeting be held with the Parks and Leisure department, ward Councillors and ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Any other items Minutes: The Chairman and Members wished to give a vote of thanks to the Officers who had worked so hard to devise and launch the Grants scheme. |