Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Linda Coote Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were none |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Burgess declared a personal interest in: a) Item 6 para 3.0 as a Hampshire County Councillor for this ward b) item 7 para 4.0 as a life member of the Community Association c) item 7 late item as a member of the Gosport Museum Joint Management Committee
Councillor Bradley declared a personal interest in: a) Item 6 para 4. As a volunteer, member and user of the Community Association b) Item 6 para 4 as an Elected Member Representative for the Association.
Councillor Cully declared a personal interest as her husband is a tenant of a non GBC allotment |
MInutes of previous meeting held on 29 June 2023 PDF 337 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2023 were signed as a true and correct record. |
Deputations · (NOTE: The Board is required to receive a deputation(s) on a matter which is before the meeting of the Board provided that notice of the intended deputation and its object shall have been received by the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Tuesday 26 September 2023. The total time for deputations in favour and against a proposal shall not exceed 10 minutes).
Minutes: There were no deputations but 8 representatives had requested to speak to the Sub Board on their applications. |
Public Questions · (NOTE: The Board is required to allow a total of 15 minutes for questions from Members of the public on matters within the terms of reference of the Board provided that notice of such Question(s) shall have been submitted to the Borough Solicitor by 12 noon on Tuesday 26 september 2023).
Minutes: There were none |
Heritage Fund Application PDF 217 KB To provide a summary of the application received to the Heritage Fund in this funding period in order that members can determine if they wish to award grant funding for the proposals as set out in this report. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Corporate Policy & Community safety providing a summary of the application to the Heritage Fund in this funding period in order that Members can determine if they wish to award grant funding for the proposals as set out in the report.
i) Lee Hub Independent Community Library.
Members were advised that the library is housed in a 1930’s Art Deco building which belongs to the council. Repairs had been carried out to the front of the building which had suffered from water ingress resulting in areas of damp. The grant was needed to address areas of mould and damp on the inside, and bring the inside back to good repair.
A Member who had been present at the visit by the building inspector echoed the need for the repairs to take place as soon as possible. All agreed that it made common sense to make the building fit for purpose especially as it was used by the young and the vulnerable.
Members were complimentary on how the building was used, for more varied uses and busier than it had as a library. They felt it was an asset to the town and wished their thanks to the volunteers to be passed on.
Members agreed to pay the full amount applied for £5,000
RESOLVED: That the Sub Board considered the application outline in the report and awarded a grant of £5,000 to be paid to Lee Hub Independent Community Library. |
Community Grant Fund Applications PDF 249 KB To provide a summary of each application received to the Community Fund in this funding period in order that members can determine if they wish to award grant funding for each proposal as set out in this report. A list of all applications made to date with amounts requested is in Appendix 1. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Corporate Policy and Community Safety providing a summary of each application received to the Community Fund in this funding period in order that members can determine if they wish to award grant funding for each proposal as set out in the report.
i) Golden Lion Football Club
Members were advised that although the club uses a pub in Fareham as its base, the majority of its players are from Gosport and Brookers Field is their home pitch.
The applicant explained that due to lack of floodlights they are having to pay extra to train at Brune Park. The grant would pay for portable floodlights and a second away strip.
Members were interested to hear that the club will also be training a female referee (the first team to have this) and when they are ready to expand will be including a second male team, or a female junior team and are looking for ways to involve females in all aspects of the club.
Members agreed to award the full amount of £1,000
ii) Lee on the Solent Community Association.
Members were advised that the grant was needed to deal with rotting fire doors in the main hall. If this issue was not addressed there would probably be an increase in building insurance and the possibility of closure by the Fire Brigade on safety grounds.
Members who are familiar with the site agreed that its position, West facing, means that it is hit hard by the wind and sea air.
Members felt that the price quoted for the job seemed reasonable.
Members agreed to award the full amount of £2,287
iii) Green Dragon Football Club
Members agreed to defer this application to ensure all the required information has been received.
iv) Gosport Borough Cricket Club
Members were advised that the grant was required for the replacement of practice nets. The practice area is used by the club, other local clubs and it is open to the public. The current nets are, according to the club, beyond repair, and would need to be ordered before Christmas to ensure they were in place by March. Other smaller nets had been purchased by the club.
Members agreed to award the full amount of £3,678.
v) Rowner Bowling Club
Members were advised that the grant was required to fund a replacement secondary fox proof fence to be used seasonally and stored out of season.
The applicant assured Members that the level of electricity running through the fence would not harm the foxes, or any child who ran into it.
Members agreed in principle that they would fund the fence but required Officers to clarify the terms of the lease and consider other budgets to fund the project.
vi) Gosport Allotment Holders & Gardeners Association
Members were advised that the grant would fund the building of a trading store on the new allotment site planned for Manor Way, Lee on the Solent, similar to those already on ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Awards Update from Previous Boards PDF 220 KB This report confirms changes made to the grants guidance and forms as outlined at the June 2023 Board to clarify the process for applicants and aid administration of the grants process effective from this round. It also provides an update on the funding awards and recommendations made by the Board at its March and June meetings, including three end of project reports.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Corporate Policy and Community Safety confirming changes to the grants guidance and forms as outlined at the June 2023 Sub Board to clarify the process for applicants and aid administration of the grants process effective from this round. It also provides an update on the funding awards and recommendations made by the Sub Board at its March and June meetings, including three end of project reports.
Officers reported that a previous applicant, Maritime Heritage Tours had withdrawn their application.
Members agreed to keep the application from the Lee Residents Association as a live item in case the situation changed, and match funding was successfully obtained. Officers agreed to advise the Association that if another more suitable location could be found, an application for just the printing costs could be submitted.
Members felt it would be better to reduce the upper limit of grant to £5,000, then leave it at £10,000 and have to manage expectations either during the process or on the night of the Sub Board. Officers would update the website accordingly as soon as possible.
Officers advised that there had been no further contact from Lee on the Solent Tennis Club, and that Montserrat Events had purchased their Stage Truck and had already hired it out to other local event organisers.
RESOLVED: That the Sub Board:
i) Noted the status report provided on the March and June Sub Board awards and recommendations in Appendix 1 ii) Noted three end of project report summaries from March awardees. |
Any other items |