Agenda item

Digital Strategy - Project delivery plan

The Council’s Government funded Digital Strategy (UK Shared Prosperity Fund – UKSPF) seeks to deliver digital inclusion projects and maximise the benefits of digital technologies. Digital interventions are proposed to be delivered against the three Government set priorities of Communities & Place, Supporting Local Business, and People & Skills.


On the 5th July 2023, the Policy & Organisation Board approved the over-arching project programme. This report seeks approval for the proposed project plan & delivery timetable and asks the Board to note overall progress against the project programme


Consideration was given to a report of the Economic and Regeneration Manager seeking approval for the proposed project plan & delivery timetable and asks the Board to note overall progress against the project programme.

The Board was advised that the roles in place were different to previous tourist information roles and that the aim was to increase digital presence. The continuation of the role was unknown but would be assessed as time developed.




1.    That the Board notes the progress of Year One delivery as set out in Section 2 of this report.

2.    That the Board approves the Year Two project plans set out in Section 3, to be delivered by March 2024 in accordance with the UKSPF funding criteria.

3.    That the Board approves the Year Three project plans set out in Section 4, in accordance with the UKSPF funding criteria.

4.    That the Board approves the Year Three plan for one full time resource to be funded through UKSPF funding criteria set out in Section 5.



Supporting documents: